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  • Writer's pictureSarann (Sarah-Ann)


Guest Blog by Cathy Saddler for The Shack by Wm. Paul Young

You never know what to expect on a family vacation, however, some things are unfathomable. Since mom had an appointment, dad decided that he would still take the kids on a camping trip. Like any parent with multiple children, you have to keep your eyes in many directions. When an unexpected accident happens to two of the kids, dad was temporarily distracted from another of the children. Once their safety was ensured, dad returned to find his little girl was missing.

After the desperate search, to no avail, with the authority’s assistance, they eventually discover that their daughter was the victim of a child serial killer. Mom being an avid believer in God, she leaned heavily on her beliefs to muddle through the worst thing a parent must endure. Their daughters’ body had not been found and the family was slowly and surely ripping apart.

Dad found an unexpected and suspicious piece of mail in the mailbox which lead dad to return to the cabin, where their world had changed. His struggle with faith was shaken to the core when he returned to the cabin and made the life altering discovery of his daughter’s body, or so he thought.

After a vehicle accident dad discovers the true lesson that God had for him. When his nightmare was turned into a garden of paradise, his love for God came when he realized that God simply wants everyone to learn to let Him love them.

Personally, I loved this book because it shows how life is better just by walking with Jesus and doing so is not a task. Everyday people like me walk through life with struggles every day and if more people just let God love them their lives would change forever. I would recommend this book to everyone and I give this book and Author a 4 star rating.

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